I crave the sea, but since I am land-locked in Kansas, I seek out area lakes. Yesterday, I grabbed my camera, a lawn chair, and Nicholas Sparks' book, Message in a Bottle, and headed to Shawnee Mission Park. I needed some alone time and found the perfect spot. There was no wind and the water was like glass. I so enjoyed my afternoon in the sun.
Amazing to see the clouds reflected so clearly in the water. Great shot. Hope you got what you needed from your alone time by water. So restorative.
what a gorgeous shot Cat! I really like it! Lakes can be magnificent to photograph at times!!
cat...this is simply gorgeous! I love the water as well ~ I can just see those wee puffy white clouds floating by...stunning!
Hope you had a peaceful repose. The photo is lovely.
I loved Message in a Bottle almost as much as I love this picture! Just a beautiful scene. Dee
Beautiful reflective shot! I understand craving waterscapes. I'm landlocked too in Colorado.
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
You are awesome!!!
Love your big sister...XO
Ok, I've been to Shawnee Mission Park countless times, and I've never seen anything nearly so breathtaking. What awesome work you do!
Thanks for all the wonderful comments:)
I'm so glad you found this spot, Cat, it's beautiful.
Just tagged you for an 'over the top' award: it's on my sidebar.
What a spectacular photograph!
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