Laura Slocum
I became aware of Laura Slocum and her story from another seller on Etsy. Laura was diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer in June. She is currently undergoing chemotherapy.
Etsy Project Embrace was created by her friends to support Laura, increase awareness, and raise funding for cancer research. Other Etsy sellers have joined and are donating a portion of the proceeds of the sales from some of their listings. Here is the link to the American Cancer Society and the Etsy Project Embrace page. You can join the team or make a direct donation.
Check out her Etsy shop, lauraslocumpainted, and click her profile page to keep up with her progress. She also had a new blog. Here is a portion of one of her entries:
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Etsy Project Embrace
I believe that you must play the hand you’re dealt. Six weeks ago, I was diagnosed with stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. My mom died from the same. I am a huge believer in eating right, exercising, and getting regular checkups. I’ve done all those things, yet, I have cancer. WOW. That’s a life-changing situation, for sure. I just turned 46 …. (a very very young 46!) Strangely, I feel blessed. Most everyday of these 6 weeks, I’ve had a smile on my face. I’m going to play the hand I’ve been dealt in the best and most positive way I know how. I’m so fortunate my boys are older, they drive, they can do laundry and help around the house. There will always be some people in this world who have it better and some who have it worse. That’s just life.
There are 4 things I know for sure:
1. I am a Christian and I believe God has a plan for me.
2. I believe in myself to do the very best I can do and try to help others in the process by getting my story out there.
3. I have the most wonderful and supportive husband, family and friends.
4. Logging onto Etsy everyday and hearing from my friends will keep this smile on my face, not matter what I am going through.
If you would like to be a part of etsyprojectembrace you can donate the profits or percentage of profits from one or more listings to the American Cancer Society. Add the tag 'etsyprojectembrace' to the listing (or listings) and mention the project and reason for it in your listing description/s. If you have any questions, or any ideas as to how you could help further then please feel free to convo kim at slinkymalinkicat, or Amy at ThePeachTree.
My thoughts and prayers are with Laura and her family. She is an amazing person.
Below are a few of the listings from Etsy Project Embrace:


