Rocky Sunset
by Painted with Light Photography

Tide Rushes In
by PhotoGrunt

Coastal Dream
by KennaFoster
As long as I can remember, I have been drawn to the sea. I can't really explain the ache I feel or why it is there, I just know it is. Here are three wonderful photographers that captured the sea beautifully. Check out their Etsy shops to see more of their amazing work.
Hey Cat, I think the ocean's draw is a primal force for all of us. Thank you so much for including my work among such fine talent!
I agree with Steve. Can't think of a better, simpler way to explain it.
As a side note, my 'captcha' word for this comment is "Catlism"
All beautiful, but I have always loved Kenna's work.
Love how they're all so different too. Thanks for including me!
~Elizabeth (PwL)
Lovely photos of the sea ~ they do indeed draw you in to the beautiful colors!
All I know is that the ocean sooths me. I don't live on the coast anymore, but I still like to walk on the beach bare foot, everytime I get the chance.
Oh... I am so honored and touched by this. I've been under the weather and struggling a bit lately, so this feature (and Bonnie's lovely comment!) provided a really wonderful pick-me-up.
I'm honored to be included in such a beautiful tribute to the sea-- lovely works that show perfectly some of the various aspects we love so much about the essence of ocean.
To be more succinct, I guess I probably could probably just have offered a warm smile and say, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..."
That... and Thank You. :)
Just another beautiful collection Cat!
Beautiful indeed ;)
I love the ocean too, always live near the water until we decided to move to vegas. Now I miss the ocean like crazy. Love these shots, so beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
Oh lovely! I am several hours away from the coast and so haven't visited in quite some time... which is one reason why I am drawn to these photos, the colors, the light... thanks for sharing these artists!
I think it is draw for many of us! Beautiful captures!
Wow! Those are all three outstanding photos. Thanks for sharing Cat!
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
hey cat! you have just received the Sunshine Blogger award (from me:)) drop by my blog for the details! xo
I love the sea and recently had a chance to visit during a storm and get some interesting pictures. Right now the weather has been uncooperative but I am looking forward to my return to a little spot of a cove where I found two perfectly heart shaped stones.
Thank you for sharing and I hope that you can make it to the ocean soon.
Enjoy your Sunday,
Amazing swa shots really pretty
the first one is brilliant..i wanna the sunset light so bad
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