I want all of you to know how much I and our family have been blessed by your comments. We had a beautiful Memorial Visitation for Cat last Friday, and I can't express how much it meant to have so many come to honor her. Thanks to all for the food, the incredible flowers (I know Cat was seeing them from above, and wishing she had her camera!), and most of all, for the love you give. I will leave you with these words from a hand-written note that I found among Cat's things...they reflect her very essence. - Warren Ludwig
Live Simply. Love Generously. Care Deeply.
Speak Kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Thank you very much Warren for sharing Cat's wonderful philosophy. She touched so many of us with her loving friendship.
Powerful words those are to live by... they seem so simple yet we seem to find it so difficult to follow sometimes. Thanks, Warren, for this post, and for the last one too. It was a tough week for those of us who knew, appreciated, and respected Cat and her work, though it was an online relationship for me anyway, and I don't even want to begin to imagine what it was like for you and your family. Please know that you all are in my continued prayers. Sending you peace, courage, and hope.
I appreciated my daughter in law probably more than most mothers in law do...She saw the world in the most beautiful way and always had time for anyone who needed her advice and listening ear. Thanks to all who have written such loving comments and appreciative notes. It is good to know that others were able to see what a prize she was. Thanks...Dee ( Cat's mom in law)
Warmest thoughts to you and your family. It's amazing how someone can become so special to you even though you never met them in person. Cat's photos were always, and will remain to me, an inspiration. Her beauty and words will be sadly missed.
Kindest regards,
Thank you for sharing her beautiful words...so simple, yet so powerful.
Love to you and your family.
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