Fall leaf
Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I have a few quiet moments to actually think about the holiday. Usually when someone asks me what I am thankful for, I start out with "family and friends" and go from there. But this year, it's all about those relationships. My life is much richer because of them. And I am including my online friends from etsy and my blog. I am touched by the support I have received from you. It has only been a few years that I have been an artist, and I absolutely love the creative community. Thank you for your kindness and support over this last year. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving Cat
Awww...what a beautiful post!! :)
Happy Thanksgiving!! :)
gorgeous words to match a gorgeous photo ... happy thanksgiving miss cat!!
It's so easy to support you - you are so talented and deserving. Happy Thanksgiving.
Lovely sentiments Cat. I'm hoping the same for you and your loved ones!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note
sweet post dear!
hope you have a lovely holiday cat! :)
A very wonderful picture - Happy Thanksgiving to you!
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Great fotos, great words...
A beautiful post Cat!
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving! xo
Awww, thanks Cat. I love the picture. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Really nice post Cat. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours also!
What a wonderful feeling it is to be truly thankful. Enjoy your Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving Cat. I am glad to be included among your online friends :)
What sweet friends! Thanks for all your comments:)
How beautifully put: just what I was trying to say, only more clearly (granted, I WAS burning the pumpkin pie at the time!)
It's funny, of all the 'blog-friends' I've made since starting mine this year, oddly it was you and a few others (if you find 'Style Odyssey' on my blog roll, Stephanie in the Virgin Islands, a fellow artist, is another, and the Photodiarist in NY) - I had actually planned to come here & leave you a message.
Maybe it's because of the wild connection of my mom & your mother-in-law, but I think it's also because your photos, and your words, speak to me. I hope she is well, and your husband, and all your friends & family ; ) and well,
Happy Thanksgiving, Cat!
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