I tend to be a fair weather photographer and when it turns cold, I focus more on my jewelry. But Kauffman Memorial Garden was calling me and I had to go for a visit. I know it really isn't winter until the 21st, but with temperatures in the teens, it sure feels like it.

The conservatory is beautifully decorated for Christmas. A family with small children were there all dressed up ready for photos. They were posing in front of the snowman that is made out of dried hydrangea.
My husband decided to stay inside and sketch Crazy the cat while I wandered outside. She was a very good model. She only rolled over a few times.


bronze sculptures by Tom Corbin

rose hips
The garden was very quiet that morning. The only sounds were the birds having their breakfast on a crabtree. They weren't happy with me disturbing their meal. They would fly away and then quickly return for more fruit.
As a child, I would play outside as long as there was daylight. Visiting the garden brought back memories of that simpler time. I can't wait for my next visit.